Sunday, June 19, 2005

hi, my name is ___ and im addicted to blogs

ok seriously this is insanity, i have 4 blogs now..maybe 5..i cant even remember anymore where they all are..i lost half of my links and things because aol sucks ass and i had to reinstall and lost half my info. GRRRR my poems, my writings, my art..POOf gone. anyhow..hopefully i cant manage to put everything in here from now on cuz its a real pain in the ass tryna to just keep up with what can go where and yada yada.

i painted today, hopefully the pic shows up..i didnt pick the colors, my mom did. she loves it so thats good. personally the green reminds me of a hospital room but hey whatever i guess. The family will all be back home monday night. god this week flew by : / i have so much stuff to do still and I'm running out of days. Tommorrow is fathers day, I should go see my dad. who knows if I'll actually do that though. I wanna go play raquetball right now. I played last nite had a blast-by myself of course cuz i have no friends- but still had fun smacking the shit outta the ball heh. The guys next to me kept hitting their ball in my court, the first time i just thought oh hey it happens but they kept doing it and I started to get worried. They looked like skinheads and of course I was wearing my I heart girls shirt with rainbow and all. I was glad the whole campus is on surveillence.

im totally rambling and none of this is really going to gether very well.. dam..i didnt take my add meds today maybe thats the problem. oh well i give


Blogger GH said...

YAY!!! Welcome to the dark side :)

6:30 AM, June 19, 2005  

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