Sunday, June 19, 2005

ugh, I'm a hypochondriac

I feel sick this morning..maybe I have blood poisoning or food poisoning or ninjas put some toxic gas in all my vents this morning when i was sleeping and i have some kinda funky gas poisoning. I feel dizzy and kinda tired but I just lay there so I must not be really can someone not know if theyre tired or not? Is it just me that has this problem? I slept on the couch last nite ::wheels start spinning:: hmm this is the couch from bro in laws parents house who smoke a shit ton of weed maybe the THC soaked into the fabric and then thru my skin(weed makes me sick now for those of you that don't know, I get panic attacks, nausous, then psychotic so i steer clear)...but yah, anyhow i slept on the couch cuz Stokes' crickets wouldnt shut the hell up and I didnt feel like going on a cricket massacre at 4 in the morning. I just hope she finds the evil little chirping bastard and eats him soon.


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