Friday, October 14, 2005

3 hours at petsmart

I took sketch into Banfield today to get a rabies vaccine. Decided I'd take him in during wellness hours where they don't charge a office call fee just charge for the shot and next month I'll have the money to put him on a plan and get all the rest of his shots yada yada. I signed in at 1:30 with what seemed like 5 million other people and started wandering around the store for my turn to come up. I wandered and wandered and wandered. I lost my water bottle 4 times and had to keep going back and looking for it. I bought a new collar and doggie waste bag thing. I resisted the temptation to even go over to the reptile aisles. My 13 dollar rabies vaccine ended up costing me about 100 dollars when I walked out of there. prescription dog food for my other dog 50$ prescription tooth diet for both of them 20$ dog shampoo that smelled really really good and tempts me to use it on myself 15$ plus the collar and doggie waste bag things...sigh.. Petsmart and I do not mix.
Most women go shoe shopping..dress shopping...clothes shopping..I go to petsmart in my 5 year old, ripped up, faded jeans with a mens wife beater I bought 3 for 7 bucks at some store when I had no more shirts to wear and spend 100$ on animal stuff. And sadly that was only today. I've been there at least 2 other times in the last food...reptile supplies...rat supplies...seriously its bad when you come into the store and evvvvveryone knows you and your pets, and if they're new and don't another sales associate is glad to point out oh thats Candace, she has a zoo at home and is in here all the time...

Is there a Petsmart Anonymous?


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