Monday, July 04, 2005

Is that a prom picture??? Noooo, that's my fake rehab wanna-be prom thing pic. :/

Me at banquet. Gotta love the fake smiles we both were sporting. Heh, I forgot I even had my nails done for the dam horrific event.
I also came across the video for it the other day, I watched the first 2 seconds of it and it immediately went on mute, damn Stone Sober crap music ugh. I laughed as I saw my arm and hand for a split second and then the camera immediately pans down to the skinny, cute girl that was sitting on the floor in front of me. It was pretty funny watching "stone sober" at the studio though, evil bob, nodding his head along as his clint and wendy try to not sound like a couple of elephants giving birth into the microphone. (yah I rewound and actually listened to that part HAHA). I remember when my mom had this picture hanging in the kitchen and people would come over and say who is that??? and she or I would respond with telling them it was me. Then theyd have a confused look on their face and ask, You went to prom but didn't go to high-school? Oh, no no no, this is a "banquet" picture and I'd explain; Banquet is where 200 or more kids would pay shit tons of money to go sit and watch a lame video and listen to counselors rave (lie) about the program.
I swear they only did it so it would make it seem less obvious that almost NONE of the kids went to school. Their parents would all have a picture of them dressed formally as teenagers to pass off as a "prom pic". I remember the first day I went down to the office to meet the Pathway counselors. They had a corkboard on the wall with pictures of all the cool/pretty people. There was a few banquet pictures also. I assume these were meant to throw off the parents. They told the parents yes your son/daughter should stop school now and go to IOP/Step 2 yada yada, but then they can go back to school. And so the parents are suckered in. *Sigh* I could write about all the crap that still pisses me off about the whole experience forever it seems, but it wouldn't change it. 3+ years, gone. Wasted. Definetly not your typical teenage experience. I dropped out of 8th grade, went to 9th grade about 7 days the first 3 weeks and dropped out. Got shipped off to Dad's eventually went to a charter school for about 3 months then we got caught and BOOM I was a drug addict that was going to die and if I went back to school my parents would find me dead from an overdose guaranteed. I did go to the 12-step school for about 2 months after I had a year sober, but I was hanging out with the AA/CA/NA kids too much and they of course were bad news so that ended. Even when my dad did stop forcing me to go to the group, I was put into another rehab program. *sighs again*

I swear I could write a 200,000 page book about my life up until now and I'm only 22, soon to be feel old all of a sudden..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww pray you look so young!! and the picture is soooo a rip-off of a prom picture because it is just ghetto w/ the whole tinsel in the background and stuff lmao. geeze they could have at least gotten a real photo thingy !!

3:48 AM, July 06, 2005  
Blogger themadhatter said...

so yer saying i look old now?

5:39 AM, July 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...yeah you look like an 80 y/o woman lmao!!! shut yo' mouff foo!

12:39 AM, July 07, 2005  
Blogger themadhatter said...

:O so the truth comes to the surface finally..*sniffles a lil.. hey if im 80 i get to have a walker i can smack ppl an shit with huh?..thats not so bad..

4:22 PM, July 07, 2005  

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