Wednesday, June 29, 2005 i have been that ignorant? way..

Prayinmantis4 [1:00 A.M.]: this chicks words so far..she passes like every other turn says she doesnt have anything..but the words she has done are: feals, sabe, and sat i didnt have the heart to challenge em
Prayinmantis4 [1:05 A.M.]: shes 14
Purrs Furr You [1:05 A.M.]: awww
Prayinmantis4 [1:09 A.M.]:
TheIrishBabe: schools just dumb, the way i look at it is, we only have 1 life and we're all guna die 1 day, live life to the foolest
Prayinmantis4 [1:10 A.M.]: foolest lmfaooooooooooo
madhatter7: what do u wanna do after school? i mean after your done with high school
TheIrishBabe: i'm guna be a modle still
madhatter7: cool
TheIrishBabe: ya, theres no point in doing something else when your already doing what u love
madhatter7: your a model now?
TheIrishBabe: ya
madhatter7: is it fun?
TheIrishBabe: i just started last month
TheIrishBabe: i had my first photo shoot 2 weeks ago its a lot of fun

then she asked me if i worked, how old i was etc. I told her I was on disability, that i have bipolar and its not stable yet so i can't work right now. chit chatted a little more, then she challenged a word i played in scrabble and lost then said
***"you have a big vocabulary for a crazy"***
i had to give her a little schooling in the fact that because im "crazy" doesn't mean i'm stupid. went on to tell her how most bi-polar ppl, schizophrenics and autistics are all extremely intelligent. she didnt understand, and sadly probably never will, she'll become a model maybe and on the weekends ride her daddies horses and have a grand little uneducated life irritating people like me. *sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

::sigh:: i'm trying to think whether at 14 i too was that ignorant as far as "crazies" went....actually no probably not i've always been very compassionate. infact i knew a "crazy" and yeah i'd make fun of him only because everyone else was my head i was intrigued by it. He said he had pet far as whether he was truly crazy or not i'm unsure of, he was like 20-something and would pretend to talk to his dragons but only on command typically so..perhaps he wasn't "crazy" ... that's a silly word i only enjoy using it with describing when someone is doing kinda extreme acts such as jumping from a roof to a car or something lmao ? that's the only example i could come up with for whatever i pretty much blog on your blog huh? okay bye **waves**

1:53 PM, June 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats why you always challenge pray, geez haven't I taught you anything?
btw steph yes u r bloggin on her blog lolol

2:54 AM, June 30, 2005  

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