Sunday, July 03, 2005

more "brilliant" ideas

I want an anteater, then I could use him as a pesticide free way of taking care of the ant problem in my neighborhood charge the neighbors a set price for an hour or something..i dunno..maybe they eat termites too, or i could get whatever eats termits and go into business with predator based pest control, anteaters, praying mantis's and whatever the hell eats termites.

I want to gentically modify feeder crickets so they DONT FUCKING CHIRP!!! **going to walk away from puter now to go catch the chirping ones and flush em** ok, I feel bad about killing them, besides the fact that are just innocent little bugs (which thinking about is kinda dumb since i buy them for my gecko to EAT) but then theres the fact that i pay 10 cents each for the bastards, only to have a few days toa week go buy and theres 5 or more that have gotten big enough to start the chirping shit which makes me fucking nuts. So, yes, I want to gentically modify crickets that wont fucking chirp!!! I know this isn;t gonna work cuz they chirp to mate yada yada they'd more then likely not mate then and blah blah blah but i dont want any fucking chirpers and no I'm not gonna sit there and pull the wings off each little bastard. -dammit i didnt get em all theres still one chirpping still GRRR...**walks away again**

Suitcases that have drawers -they'd have to be very thin ones i know but they would be made so that when you get wherever yer going you can zip off the front and it would be like a small dresser. I hate unpacking, everything is out of order blah blah. This way the chonies and socks can go in one lil drawer and shirts in another and another for jeans, or dresses/skirts if you wear that kinda stuff. -cuz we all know i sure as shit don't :P

An alarm clock that will give a mild electrical shock the third time you hit snooze, or if it feels you stumbling around the top of it then switching it to off while its screeching its ear-piercing noise at you, you get zapped too. I'm tired of listening to my moms alarm clock go off for hours on end. ( and the boys's when they're in school) And I'm tired of being drunk and/or too medicated to realize when the alrm clock goes off i need to wake up and not just sub-consciuosly shutting it off.

Some kinda of spongy painting tape. Here's the problem; I have highly textured walls, I use paint tape, but with the huge differences in in the surface some of the paint seeps under and then my perfectly taped off line is no longer perfect and i have to go back and repaint the whole line by hand with a very small brush. EXTREME pain in the ass. If they had some kind of spongy-foam i dunno shit tape that would sink into the divets and whatever on the wall- then the taped line would stay perfect!. Hmm-now that im thinking about this, I wonder if weather-stripping would work..I'll have to try it out.

Another way of being able to turn lights on and off at set times. I have bought probably 8 different timing devices for my reptile lamps, and none of them work. they are either 1, just shitty and dont fucking work right. 2, they cover up the whole outlet and only have one slot in which to place one appliance in. ( my room has a tv,vcr,dvdplayer,satellite receiver, computer, printer, speakers, cordless phone, aquarium light & pump and 4 reptile lights-having one slot for an outlet is NOT an option!) 3, they say do not use with extension cord. (bullshit!) or number 4, the last one i purchased in my genious thinking, hey turns itself on and off at dawn and dusk, this is great! perfect for the reptiles!. DUHHHH (this is another one of those has to go directly into the outlet types) how many outlets does anyone have in their bedroom that are subject to direct light from outside???? I have one, ONE! and its in my bathroom. so my thought was ok..but the sensor thing in the window run an extension cord to the outlet...hmm..I have one lizard over on this wall one on the other wall and two on the third wall...I am a dumbass and this new one won't work either. SO, Here's what i need. Reptile lamps that have day/night sensors on them! Because they are up on the cages and theyyyyy dooooo get exposure to the natural light from outside. There's gotta be a way to make them. I;ve yet to figure it out though.. : /

Super Bathrooms -Ok, first, I never ever ever unless I Absolutely have to, use public restrooms-
But if I must, then they should make "super bathrooms" heres the list:
1. Automatic everything; doors, soap dispensers, towel/hand dryers, flushers, toilet seat covers, you name it, automize it!
2. Loud ass alarms that go off if the auto-flushers are broke and you're nasty ass doesn't flush before proceeding to exit the stall
3. Loud ass music in there so I don't have to listen to you, piss, grunt, or even worse things I'm not gonna mention.
I think thats all for now...

I have more ideas but its 5 am now and I still need to do my homework I tried to start 2 hours ago and instead was forced to come back and blog about the mantis thing and then somehow ended up writing another blog. This things addictive I swear.


Blogger Jstar718 said...

Genius...Super bathrooms.

4:54 PM, July 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm, quite interesting....though...i'm not sure many people would want to be shocked...or...maybe they would. anyway good job **claps** go get patents! hehe

3:28 AM, July 06, 2005  

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