Monday, December 12, 2005

are u candace?

looking around at 6 cops and a widdle puppy..(k so it was a belgian malinios k9-cop more on that later) ummm...yah? GET YOUR HANDS OUT OF YOUR POCKETS AND ON YOUR HEAD NOW! oh sheeeeit! Do you have any weapons on you??*silent shock*Wheres the gun!?ok ok..everyone settle down, guns in the car not on me. *quick pat down & takes my keys* Sit on the curb! why are you taking my keys?*phone rings* hey whyd you take my cell phone? We need to talk to you before terros can come over here. I don't like cops, i told them no cops, she lied, Candace I need you to talk to ME now. she lied, I don't like cops you fuckers shot my friend. We didn't shoot anyone. Looks over at dog pulling on his collar/leash. "Hey buddy hows it goin? owner treatin ya nice?Yer a cute lil puppy, lil bubbawubbasis" sits.."they probly taught you in german huh...ghutan tawg?" dog stands "nine", dog sits...officer takes dog and moves behind a parked car. i laugh. terros lady blah blahs, says i can go voluntary or they can petition me and ill be there for longer...i was already aware of this fact...i told her i said NO COPS, & NO PRC, and what do i get? cops and a forced trip to the prc.."It's ok though, I called crisis initially at about 9 or 10...the whole cops deal and arguing with terros and the dr at prc, then signing in yada yada, i didnt get back into the ward until around 5, saw the dr at 9 and was out at 10...beat my own record. 5 hours of suicide watch, I'm pretty good at gettin out of there, helps I don't appear as crazy as i am.

lmfao tho when they called me 6 times in a row this morning and i finally answered and a guy was on the line, said his name was brian, he had called to hear my message also, apprently they were passing my number aruond the office tryna figure it out. I said, oh so you just wanted to listen to the freak show too eh? he says lemme give you to dianne who was tryna call you to begin with. she asks what is that message about, its very odd. i laugh and say oh yah i forgot, ill have to change that, she tells me i have an appt to see another dr after our staffing on tuesday. they sure our filling up tuesday for me. staffing at 10, dr afterwards at 11, therapy at 1, new group thing at 3..she asks what are my plans for the day,. i say to change my voicemail message, she says to give her a call later, i say why? she says so she knows im ok....uhhh alright.

about the last post that is now deleted, im an asshole at times and spaz out, I know you guys would do and do do (heh i said do do) anything you can for me. Im sorry


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i m glad u r here cos u r the best human i kno

8:40 PM, December 12, 2005  
Blogger Kris said...

Aw @ Zani's comment.

Did you get my templates? Ooh I can't wait to see what you do with them :)

11:40 PM, December 13, 2005  
Blogger Kris said...

Bueller? Bueller?

1:16 AM, January 15, 2006  
Blogger Kris said...

Wow, my last comment was over a year ago. Heh.

So, hi and stuff.

11:55 PM, January 27, 2007  

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